There are many methods of dark sky protection in Poland. Each one of us can join in the initiative in our own way by choosing one of the suggestions listed below. The suggestions are directed to both individuals and groups, regardless of their age, social position or legal status of the group.
1. Limit the amount of artificial light pollution in your environment – it is often worth starting your dark sky protection activities by taking care of “your own backyard”. Let’s check if by chance we are not using the wrong types of outside lighting, let’s decrease the amount of light unnecessarily emitted at night, let’s ask our neighbour to switch off unnecessary lighting of an empty driveway, or let’s talk with the local goverment about savings that could be made in the commune/city.
2. Popularize the idea of dark sky protection – the most important action that does not cost a thing is informing the largest group of recipients posible about the principles of dark sky protection in Poland. Understanding the idea and purposefulness of taking such measures is crucial. Most people do not understand why light pollution of the dark sky should be decreased and what is the aim of such activities. It is wrongly assumed that the only beneficiaries of it would be people devoted to astronomy.


3. Protect the dark sky your own way and let us know about it – if you or your organization/institution succeeded in active prevention of dark sky pollution on a larger scale e.g.  in a certain district, village or even a small city, please inform us about it by sending an e-mail to:  Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. . We will include your example in the CN-000 Areas database, which presents information about the effects of active dark sky protection in Poland. It can be dimming or replacing the street / park lamps in a specified area. Take a few photographs and publish the effects of successful rational lighting policy, so that others could become convinced that it is worth fighting for !


4. Add your "one zloty"  - you can donate any amount of money and support the dark sky protection fund in Poland by paying into the following account: 02 1160 2202 0000 0000 2853 5258 (Millennium Bank S.A.). This is the account of the Stowarzyszenie POLARIS - OPP program manager. Please add a note to your donation: “donation in aid of the Dark Sky Program”. You can also order a bulletin or visit our shop to buy products promoting the dark sky protection idea.  However, if you decide that you do not want to waste your money on some lofty initiatives, you can always retrive your 1% tax from the IRS by putting the name of our oraganization on your annual tax return form. If you want to get more information about the details of the procedure, please visit .


5. Active cooperation – we also encourage you to cooperate in co-editing of our website . We are searching for individuals and institutions that are not indifferent to the problems associated with the dark sky protection and would like to help promote the idea, or those who are looking for help regarding artificial lighting. The website is currently a test version, it may transform into a larger portal in the future.  Above all, it is important to find a circle of people in Poland that are not indifferent to the threat of „losing the stars above”  and want to be active about the issue. If you are one of those people, we encourage you to join us in creating the website. We should finally draw the attention of the society to the problem. After all, we live in a “Copernicus country”.
If you happen to have any other suggestions concerning the Dark Sky program activities, please do not hesitate to let us know by sending an e-mail to:  Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. . We will reply to every message.  

Administrative Team of the Dark Sky Program